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Thoughts & Inspiration

Finishing up my first week in Guatemala and feeling so grateful for this life I get to live. Our first week was just a lot of orientation about what we’ll be doing and just about the culture of the country we’re living in for the next 2.5 months.

One of the most new but freeing changes is having no Wi-Fi, and the only way I’m able to get Wi-Fi is on the weekends when I go and sit down at a coffee shop. Not having any connection shows me how much time I’m consumed by my phone and how I can get so much more done throughout my day by putting it down. I’ve had so much more intentional time with the Lord, with myself and the people around me. I’m able to be present and focus on what’s in front of me.

Starting tomorrow is our first full week of ministry, I’m not sure what it’ll consist of or how it will go, but I am so excited to see what God does and what I’ll be learning. Continuously thanking God He put me here. I’m already loving this beautiful country and I’m so blessed I get to call this place home for the next little while.

5 responses to “Home for the next little while”

  1. Caleigh,
    Keep up the good work and learn as much as you can. We continue to pray for you and look forward to your updates. May the Lord bless you greatly and provide all you need!!
    Press on!!!

  2. Caleigh
    It’s so nice to hear all the good things you are doing. God choice you because he knew what great things you can do.
    Love You

  3. Love this Caleigh. Yes, no wifi can be a challenge. Yet, it will be good too! It will allow you to be fully present in ministry and with your team. I hope ministry is fun, rewarding, and you learn a lot. I think it’s going to knock your socks off.

  4. Hi Caleigh,

    Just loving how the Lord is teaching you intentionality, and preciousness of Him, people, and you in this time of WiFi seclusion! 🙂 You are so loved!

  5. Caleigh
    Love hearing about all you’re experiencing and all you are doing in ministry for God . Such an exciting time in your life. I’m amazed, and so happy I get to “follow” you on your journey ! Praying always for you, and those you touch !!
    Love you my girl !!